
Tucson AccessTrails
Tucson AccessTrails
Explore Regional Trails and Parks

Tucson AccessTrails
Saguaro National Park East
Mica View Loop Trail
Location & Arrival

The picnic area at the Mica View trailhead with accessible parking and mountain views

The park entrance fee is $25
per vehicle or free with a
national park pass

The entry to the park is through a kiosk where passes are checked and fees are collected

Watch for cars, hikers, bikes and animals while driving the scenic loop through the park

The 1⁄2-mile dirt road to the trailhead is well-maintained but may have shallow puddles after a heavy rain

The drive to the trailhead follows an
8-mile paved scenic loop with
dozens of pullouts

The park loop drive is a one- way
8-mile drive with a side road
to the trailhead

The road to the trailhead is a popular bike route,
beware of blind curves

One of the many scenic pullouts along the park loop with accessible parking and an overlook