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Tucson AccessTrails
Tucson AccessTrails
Explore Regional Trails and Parks

Tucson AccessTrails
Saguaro National Park East
Mica View Loop Trail

Saguaros along the Mica View Trail with the Catalina Mountains
in the background

An equestrian along the Cactus Forest Trail with a view
of Rincon Mountains

The road leading into the Saguaro National Park, lined with saguaros

A scenic pullout along the paved road to the trail with interpretive signs and accessible parking

Barrel cacti with yellow fruit, creosote bushes and mesquite trees with a mountain view

An ocotillo silhouette against a
cloudy sky

The Saguaro National Park Visitor Center with multiple accessible
parking slots

A hiker on the Mica View Trail passes a massive saguaro and enjoys a view

Dogs-on-leash are allowed along the Mica View Trail