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Tucson AccessTrails
Tucson AccessTrails
Explore Regional Trails and Parks

Tucson AccessTrails
Saguaro National Park East
Mica View Loop Trail
Signage and Wayfinding

A large cement sign welcomes visitors to the main road to
Saguaro National Park

A street sign points to the dirt road leading to the Mica View picnic area and trailhead

Park trails are well-signed with trail names, arrows
and mileage

A large sign on Broadway Road points to the Mica View and Cactus Forest trailheads

Another cement sign directs drivers to the start of the
one-way park loop

A sign designates the Mica View picnic area, with a shade ramada and picnic tables nearby

Signs with trail information
and park descriptions are available at trailheads

A sign directs visitor to
horse-friendly trails

Fire danger is indicated with a large sign along the roadway